As an individual, your financial support is very much needed, and it is very much appreciated! You You can support us with a monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual! As a monthly supporter, you will automatically qualify for discounts on certain products that we may offer from time-to-time for sale, you will be added to our monthly prayer list, and you will receive a certificate of appreciation each year, showing our gratitude for you being a monthly partner. Whether you contribute monthly, yearly, or in between, we welcome your support and value your partnership! Just click "DONATE" and get started today!
If you are a business, there are benefits to your business as becoming a partner. Not only is your business highlighted on this site, it is also linked to our church page, where we receive numerous contacts. Each week we receive "contact analysis" of visitations to our site. These contacts can become potential customers to your business. When they see that you are a supporter of such a great organization, it is an incentive for them to shop your business for the services you offer. This is "A GREAT OPPORTUNITY" to tap into another stream of potential customers! You are also helping us to provide needed services to people that may be in the community that you are doing business in. Either way, your connection with us will benefit ALL! Just click "DONATE" and get started today!